Leading with Love: Wielding the inner force

Leading with Love: Wielding the inner force

Love… movies, media and society all have their opinions about it.  What love should look like, what we should be aiming for- #relationshipsgoals.  Romantic comedies paint an illusion that love is an emotion that you feel for another person.  The Mystery School tradition and thousands of years of ancient lineage teachings define love as a force.

Love is not an emotion.  Love is a unifying force that connects all of us, not just two people, but all of humanity.  Love is a source of power, an expression of your light.  Love is the actions of care and compassion.  Your strength comes from how you wield the force of Love.

How do you use this force of Love in your life?  It begins with the Self.  Loving yourself is the foundation of all love.  Self-love is self-respect.  When you love yourself, you have and hold clear boundaries, creating a space of respect for yourself.  The sword of Love draws the line in the sand.  What do you stand for?  How do you want to be treated?  People will allow themselves to be taken advantage of and do things they don’t want to do when they don’t love themselves.

“The sword of Love draws the line in the sand.”

“The sword of Love draws the line in the sand.”

Compromising yourself does not create win- win situations.  Inevitably without self-love, you give up your personal integrity and who you really are.  By understanding your worth, you’re empowered to pick up your own personal sword.  Using the force of Love expresses your self-esteem and upholds your personal honour.  People revere those who revere themselves.

Consider love as your lens, the way you view the world.  It doesn’t mean only seeing rainbows and butterflies.  Perceiving the world through the lens of Love means to see reality with the lights turned on.  The truth.  Discerning the state of things as they actually exist and deciding to do something about it.  To act from love.  Love doesn’t stand still, it’s not static. Love moves from your actions and comes to Life with your will.  You may choose to go against the grain, the narrative of the mainstream.  Go your own way…who knows?  Others may follow!

Being a leader in your life is being a living example of Love.  You love and take care of yourself so you aren’t just surviving, but thriving!  Expressions of love are vitality and passion.  How do we cultivate more of these?  What’s your zest for life like?  Your appetite for each moment?  Do you remember the wonder you had as a child?

“Do you remember the wonder you had as a child?”

“Do you remember the wonder you had as a child?”

Love is a fire burning inside of you.  Follow your fire.  What are the things that bring you joy?  Which activities fill you up?  What brings us comfort doesn’t usually bring us fulfillment.  Are there sacrifices to be made to experience these joys? Of course!  This is when the force of Love is most needed!  It can carry you through the most difficult of times.  Times like these, during COVID, lockdowns, and unemployment.  Often on the other side of sacrifice, you may find what you let go of wasn’t a sacrifice at all.  What you gained is more valuable than the price.

What does loving yourself look like?  The more you love yourself, the less space you have to be triggered by others.  You cannot be kind to your neighbors unless you have self-love.  Loving yourself isn’t indulgent (#millennials).  Building and caring for your life is one way loving yourself is expressed.  Your life is made up of your choices.  Recognizing your worthiness of respect and appreciation is at the core of loving yourself.  What would your life look like if you chose to wield the force of Love?  What would the world look like?

With the Force of Love,

Christina Becerra, Certified Guide and Ritual Master, Modern Mystery School International
