Never Give Up- Cultivating the Warrior Spirit

Never Give Up- Cultivating the Warrior Spirit

While never giving up doesn’t ensure your success, quitting guarantees your failure.  The spirit of the warrior is required in this world now more than ever before.  When you walk your personal path in this Life, challenges are not only inevitable, but abundant, always testing your resolve.  Do you really want this?  Is it worth it?

“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.” ―Winston Churchill

Temptation is seemingly abound when you are close to reaching your goals.  You can be sure you are close to striking gold, when something comes up to lead you astray.  There’s a natural tendency to desire the fruits of your labour prior to commitment.  When there’s an opportunity to satiate yourself with instant gratification, these moments can be quite alluring. 

Tools in the Warrior’s Tool Box


Alas, commitment is a tool in the belt of the warrior.  The warrior commits first, before tasting the benefits of the oath.  Through steady resolve, the warrior vows to reach the top of the mountain.  By drawing the line, creating an internal boundary, quitting is eliminated as an option.

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” –Japanese proverb

Through commitment, strength is built.  When you set your sights on the zenith of the mountain, you are destined to fall.  The warrior makes mistakes, learns while growing.  Wisdom can come from these tests of your perseverance.  Your experience can serve a greater purpose including expanding your understanding of what is possible.


Within the lineage of the Modern Mystery School, the way of the warrior is self-responsibility.  When you take 100% responsibility for yourself, you have a place to stand in your power to create change.  Victimhood cannot exist within the foundation of empowerment.


The warrior strives to view Life with clarity, to see what is.  Clarity brings understanding to what is working and what is not, allowing you to make the necessary shifts for reaching alignment with your personal mission.  Meditation is a potent and practical way of accessing clarity.  Sanctuary Meditation is one of my personal favourites.  This technique works well with decision making and navigating the bumpy terrain of Life.


Discernment is knowing when to make changes.  Never giving up doesn’t mean doing to the same thing over and over.  Being flexible is supportive to reaching your goals.  Sometimes discernment means asking the right questions.  What can I do?  How do I continue?  What can I do differently?  How can I approach this in a smarter way?  One of the ways I’ve developed discernment has been through understanding and building a relationship with my senses.  The Empower Thyself program contains valuable teachings on the senses.  Healers Academy dives deeper into the spiritual anatomy of humans and the spiritual senses.  Your relationship to your senses is imperative to the way you receive information and external stimulus.

Know Thyself

To Know Thyself is perhaps the greatest of all the tools.  It is simultaneously a path and yet, also a tool in its own right. The path of Knowing Thyself doesn’t have an end, but it can still bear fruits along the way.  As you begin to understand the nature of you really are and the power that brings, you have an opportunity to apply this to your life.  Who you are is eternal.  Knowing this defeats the very idea of quitting.  Your greatness goes beyond this life in the physical.  As such, the obstacles you face here in the physical are conquerable. 

Living by the beach in my young adulthood, I would stand at the edge of the ocean.  I often pondered the relationship to the size of my being and the size of the ocean.  I felt so small beside the Pacific Ocean, but my problems felt even smaller.  It was through the realization of how massive the ocean is that my troubles began to seem insignificant. This perspective of relativity allowed me to see myself as larger than my personal dilemmas and the possibility of overcoming them.  As an eternal being, you are the ocean, but even bigger!   By even beginning to accept this, you will never accept defeat.

With Warrior Spirit,

Christina Becerra, Certified Guide and Ritual Master in the Modern Mystery School